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In 2011, leaders from government, business, universities and more came together to try a different economic approach for the State of Arizona. It would be led by a new model: a public-private agency, overseen by the best of the best in the private sector. A clear, forward-thinking mission. Unimpeded by mandates, but equipped with resources to attract, expand and create new businesses and job opportunities. It had never been tried in Arizona before, and now, ten years later, the Arizona Commerce Authority has become the leading economic development agency in the state.

10 Years of Growth Reimagined
July 30, 2021
Welcome to Arizona, Where the Future is Now
July 01, 2021
Transformative Decade
July 01, 2021
Growth Reimagined
July 01, 2021
It Takes a Team
July 01, 2021
With Gratitude
July 01, 2021
Message from Sandra Watson President & CEO
July 01, 2021
ACA Celebrates 10 Years of Success with More Manufacturing Jobs and Startups Attracting Global Attention
February 17, 2021
Arizona sees new opportunities as more businesses relocate to the state
February 18, 2021
How Arizona is Building an Economy to Last
February 14, 2021

Accelr8 Technologies Corporation

AeroGuard Flight Training Center

Align Technology

Apex Tactical Specialties, Inc.

Benchmark Electronics

Capco Labs

Carlisle Companies, Inc.


Caterpillar Inc


Comsovereign Holding Corp.

CP Technologies

Deliver-EZ, LLC. (HQ)

Distant Focus Corporation


Don Zavis & Associates


FabricTech 2000, LLC

Flex Technology Group


Geoworld SRL

GlobalTranz Enterprises

H.E.R.O.S. Inc.

Hexagon Mining

InEight, Inc.

Isagenix International LLC

Knight Transportation, Inc

KP Aviation

Mister Car Wash

Modular Mining Systems

MST Solutions

Mt Baker Vapor LLC

Myndshft Technologies, Inc.

Nikola Motor Company

On Q Financial

Orbital ATK, Inc.

Paladin Data Corporation

Paragon Space Development Corp

Plexus Worldwide

PMG Companies

Preferred Home Health Care

PVB Fabrications

RJR Technologies, Inc.

Rogers Corporation

Silao Foods Tortilleria

Solar Junction Corp.

Solera Health, Inc.


SW Bakery Operations Group

Taronis Technologies


Titan LED, Inc.


Total Airport Services

Triax Industries, LLC

Ulthera, Inc

Universal Electronics, Inc.

URSA Information Systems, Inc.


Zummit Plastics


The ACA met and exceeded its projected goals for fiscal years 2013 through 2021.

  • JANUARY 4, 2010
    Members are appointed to Governor’s Commerce Advisory Council
  • FEBRUARY 17, 2011
    Governor Brewer signs HB 2001, establishing the Arizona Commerce Authority
  • July 1, 2011
    The Arizona Commerce Authority's Board of Directors is established and the organization officially launches
  • OCTOBER 14, 2014
    First Arizona-Mexico Trade and Investment Office opens in Mexico City
  • JANUARY 5, 2015
    Governor Doug Ducey is sworn into office
  • DECEMBER 15, 2015
    ACA launches the Center for Entrepreneurship and Leadership Development
  • August 6, 2016
    The Arizona Office of Economic Development is officially housed under the Arizona Commerce Authority.
  • December 8, 2016
    The Arizona Commerce Authority, Arizona Office of Tourism and Arizona-Mexico Commission officially co-locate under one roof as part of Governor Ducey’s strategy to streamline the state’s marketing efforts
  • JULY 18, 2018
    ACA launches the Arizona Assets Map
  • OCTOBER 11, 2018
    Governor Ducey creates the Institute of Automated Mobility
  • NOVEMBER 7, 2019
    The Arizona-Israel Trade and Investment Office opens in Tel Aviv
  • JANUARY 24, 2020
    The Arizona-Mexico Trade and Investment offices open in Chihuahua and Guanajuato
  • MAY 15, 2020
    ACA launches the Return Stronger Upskilling website to return Arizonans to the workforce
“We had a gameplan. We set out to make it work. It worked and it's tremendous to see what the ACA accomplished during that time.”
- Jerry Colangelo, Partner JDM and International Sports executive
“The ACA has been successful because of great leadership, great strategy and great execution.”
- Michael Bidwill, Owner, Arizona Cardinals
“I think the real measure of ACA's success is the cumulative results. When you look at the companies that have been recruited, the jobs that have been created, the business startup environment that has been developed and businesses that have been created from that, it's extremely exciting.”
- Roy Vallee, Former Chairman/CEO, Avnet
“We have nothing but unlimited possibility and potential in this state. And building on the success of the ACA is going to allow us to take this state in places we couldn't imagine ten years ago.”
- Hon. Eileen Klein, Former State Treasurer, President Emeritus, Arizona Board of Regents
“The ACA has been successful because they help businesses succeed. There's a trust they've established with the business community that they are out for our good, they are ready to come alongside and connect to the resources that manufacturers need to grow.”
- Dawn Grove, Corporate Counsel, Karsten Manufacturing Corporation
"Congratulations to the Arizona Commerce Authority on a decade of exceptional leadership and results. Arizona's economic transformation over the last ten years is no accident. It's the result of focused efforts and tireless advocacy by leaders like Governor Ducey and Sandra Watson. We're proud to partner with ACA to keep Arizona the premier destination for business and innovation. Here's to the next ten years!"
- Garrick Taylor, Interim President and CEO, Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry
“ACA operates like a business. Businesses prefer dealing with other entities that operate like a business. ACA understands Arizona and gives personal attention to each company that's interested in being in Arizona.”
- Girish Rishi, CEO, Blue Yonder
"The Arizona Technology Council couldn't be prouder to be a partner of the ACA. We wish them the best of luck and look forward to working with them another ten years.”
- Steve Zylstra, President and CEO, Arizona Technology Council
"Everybody on the ACA team is best in class. They do an incredible job selling Arizona and our economic development."
- Craig Coppola, Founding Principal at Lee & Associates Arizona Commercial Real Estate Brokerage
“Ten years ago, while Arizona was recovering from one of the worst economic downturns in state history, our leaders had the foresight to create the Arizona Commerce Authority (ACA) to empower Arizona’s economic comeback. Having served on the ACA Board of Directors from its inception until recently, I know how hard Arizona has worked during the last decade to continuously improve its economic competitiveness. Today, it is one of the most competitive states in the nation. Arizona combines a skilled workforce, competitive tax system and regulatory predictability to create an excellent environment for businesses in a beautiful setting. Quite simply, Arizona is an ideal place for businesses to grow and thrive.”
- Richard C. Adkerson, Chairman and Chief Executive, Freeport-McMoRan Inc.
“I would like to congratulate the ACA on the celebration of their 10th year in operations. I had the pleasure and honor to be on the founding board of ACA under the leadership of Governor Jan Brewer and Jerry Colangelo. Under the leadership of Sandra Watson, President and CEO the ACA has done a remarkable job at working with local businesses as well as out of state companies to increase capital investments and create more well paying jobs in Arizona. The concept of ACA and what it could do for the state has become a reality.”
- J. Doug Pruitt, Retired CEO of Sundt Constructions