Arizona map with community highlighted

Florence is the seat of Pinal County and located halfway between the Phoenix and Tucson metropolitan areas. Founded in 1866 by Colonel Levi Ruggles, Florence is one of the oldest towns in Arizona. While Florence is rich in history with many buildings and a historic district listed on the National Register of Historic Places, it is also poised for significant new growth. Florence is an ideal place for businesses to take advantage of existing and emerging opportunities, particularly with Territory Square, to expand downtown to the Gila River.

Principal Economic Activities

Major employers in Florence include Pinal County, Florence Hospital at Anthem, Arizona Department of Corrections, Department of Homeland Security, GEO Group, CoreCivic, Florence Unified School District and the town of Florence. Three major transportation corridors run through Florence, including State Route 287 with direct access to Chandler, State Route 79 with access to Tucson and Phoenix and Hunt Highway with access to the east valley of Maricopa County. Florence is 20 miles from Interstate 10.

Scenic Attractions

Florence has year-round sunshine, a warm climate and many opportunities for hiking, horseback riding and four-wheeling that make it popular for retirees and recreational enthusiasts. Box Canyon, Martinez Canyon, Silverbell Mine, Coke Ovens, Gila River and many other sites to the east of Florence provide visitors with fantastic scenic views of the Sonoran Desert. A short hike to the summit of Poston Butte concludes at the final resting place of Charles D. Poston, the "Father of Arizona." Many prominent historic buildings reside in Florence including McFarland State Historic Park, built in 1878, which serves as the town’s visitor center. Also, the recently renovated 1891 Pinal County Courthouse acts as the home of the Pinal County Board of Supervisors. Several special events occur in Florence every year such as the Tour of Historic Florence in February, Country Thunder U.S.A. music festival in April and the world’s oldest children’s rodeo, the Florence Junior Parada, every Thanksgiving weekend with an accompanying parade.

Community Facilities

Florence is home to McFarland State Historic Park, Pinal County Historical Museum, Florence Aero Modeler Park, Charles Whitlow Rodeo Grounds and a quaint historic downtown. Anthem at Merrill Ranch is a master planned community developed by Pulte Homes offering many fine amenities. Florence residents enjoy a new library and aquatics center with soccer fields and pickleball courts.

Basic Information

Founded 1866 Incorporated 1900
Elevation 1,500 ft. Location Pinal County
Distance to major cities:
Phoenix 61 miles San Diego 380 miles
Tucson 70 miles Los Angeles 435 miles
Las Vegas 356 miles  


2000 2010 2023 (est.)
Florence 17,054 25,537 25,250
Pinal County 179,727 376,369 439,128
State of Arizona 5,130,632 6,401,569 7,285,370

Office of Economic Opportunity

Arizona Dept. of Revenue & Arizona Tax Research Foundation


Florence 2.00%
Pinal County 1.10%
State 5.60%

Arizona Dept. of Revenue & Arizona Tax Research Foundation

Labor Force

2000 2010 2022
Civilian Labor Force 2,181 3,725 4,305
Unemployed 100 304 241
Unemployment Rate 4.6% 8.2% 5.6%

Office of Economic Opportunity

Workforce Education Attainment

Count Share
Less than high school 6,196 27.0%
High school or equivalent, no college 7,075 30.8%
Some college or Associate degree 7,062 30.8%
Bachelor’s degree or advanced degree 2,616 11.4%

American Community Survey

Industry (ranked by employment)

  Count Share
Education, health care & social assistance 945 26.4%
Public administration 626 17.5%
Finance, insurance & real estate 341 9.5%
Retail trade 302 8.4%
Professional, scientific, & administrative services 294 8.2%
Arts, entertainment, food & recreation services 271 7.6%
Construction 271 7.6%
Other services, except public administration 150 4.2%
Manufacturing 141 3.9%
Agriculture, forestry, fishing, hunting, & mining 86 2.4%
Information 69 1.9%
Transportation, warehousing, & utilities 62 1.7%
Wholesale trade 27 0.8%

American Community Survey

This profile was prepared by the Arizona Commerce Authority in cooperation with local sources. For further information, please contact:

Town of Florence
Harvey Krauss
775 N. Main St., P.O. Box 2670
Florence, AZ 85132
Phone: 520-868-7542
Email: [email protected]
Pinal County Economic Development
James Smith
31 N. Pinal St. Building F
Florence, AZ 85132
Phone: 520-866-6664
Email: [email protected]

Local First Arizona
407 E. Roosevelt St.
Phoenix, AZ 85004
Phone: 602-956-0909
Email: [email protected]
Arizona Commerce Authority
Statewide Economic Development Group
100 N. 7th Ave., Suite 400
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Phone: 602-845-1200
Email: [email protected]

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