Quick Facts
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Arizona has 75,465 direct jobs in the technology and innovation industry in 2016. (Emsi 2017.2 QCEW and non-QCEW)

There are 25,300 people working in software development in Arizona (Emsi 2017.2 QCEW and non-QCEW)

The computer systems design (CSD) segment is the largest, with 4,120 establishments employing 33,154 people. CSD employment increased 33 percent from 2012 to 2016. (Emsi 2017.1 QCEW and non-QCEW)

In Arizona, approximately 27 out of every 1,000 private sector workers are employed by an IT or software firm. (Emsi 2017.1 QCEW and non-QCEW)

Examples of Arizona IT companies that have successfully raised funding through a venture capital round include: Infusionsoft – raised $127.9 million in venture capital financing. With the cash infusion, the company is on track for a potential IPO in the next few years. Parchment Inc. – has raised $69 million in VC financing to expand investment in its industry-leading e-transcript service. Parchment has helped millions of people and thousands of schools and universities exchange millions of transcripts globally. (CB Insights)

Notable employers in Arizona’s IT & software sector include: Apple, Avnet, General Motors, GoDaddy, IBM, Infusionsoft, Intel, Insight, JDA Software, PayPal, WebPT.

The Department of Management Information Systems at University of Arizona's Eller College has been ranked among the top five programs in the country for 28 consecutive years, a feat matched only by MIT and Carnegie-Mellon. (U of A, 2017)

The IT workforce is growing rapidly in Arizona, with more than 6,000 students graduating each year from an IT or computer science-related program at a university level. (Emsi 2017.2 QCEW and non-QCEW, 2015 data)


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