Quick Facts
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Expenditures on research & development by Arizona’s three public universities hit an all-time high in 2015, with expenses reaching $1.1 billion. (National Science Foundation)

Private industry accounted for approximately 2.8% of total public university research & development expenditures in Arizona in 2015. (National Science Foundation)

The University of Arizona is the nation’s 34th largest university in terms of research & development expenditures. Arizona State University ranks 48th. (National Science Foundation)

The primary research activities at Arizona universities not only complement and directly affect the bioscience & health care industry, but account for 63 percent of total expenditures. (National Science Foundation)

Translational genomics research is a relatively new field employing innovative advances arising from the Human Genome Project and applying them to the development of diagnostics, prognostics and therapies for cancer, neurological disorders, diabetes and other complex diseases.

The Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen) is a non-profit organization focused on developing earlier diagnostics and smarter treatments.

The BIO5 Institute at the University of Arizona brings together some of the world’s best scientists in five disciplines (agriculture, medicine, pharmacy, basic science and engineering) to collaborate on complex problems such as how to diagnose, treat or prevent disease; how to feed a hungry world; and how to sustain our environment. BIO5 equips researchers with state-of-the-art equipment in a setting that allows interaction on important research issues and provides the infrastructure necessary to translate scientific discoveries into tangible human benefit, increased economic development and a better-educated society.

The Biodesign Institute plays a critical role in advancing the research mission of Arizona State University. The Biodesign Institute embodies the guiding principles of the New American University, as defined by Arizona State University President Michael Crow, specifically, to conduct use-inspired research, fuse intellectual disciplines and value entrepreneurship.

Encompassing 350,000 square feet of award winning, state-of-the-art, LEED-certified buildings, the Biodesign Institute represents Arizona’s single largest research infrastructure investment in the biosciences.

To advance its bio-inspired research mission, the Biodesign Institute has established 11 different research centers and has more than 200 active research projects ongoing. Its 65 tenured research faculty, including one Nobel Laureate and four National Academy members, publish in top-tier, high-impact scientific journals and collaborate with research and commercial enterprises around the world.

The University of Arizona Cancer Center is one of a small, prestigious network of comprehensive cancer centers designated by the National Cancer Institute (NCI). Comprehensive status is the highest ranking the NCI gives to cancer centers. This special designation means that the center focuses not only on basic science research and clinical (patient-oriented) research, but also on prevention, control, and population sciences. In addition, comprehensive centers serve a role in their communities and regions, usually through outreach, education, and information activities. 

The Cancer Center’s 73 research labs and more than 300 nationally and internationally renowned physician and scientist members work to bring the power of research to cancer prevention and treatment through a direct link between the latest research discoveries and patient care.

Barrow Neurological Institute is consistently recognized by U.S. News & World Report as one of the United States' top  hospitals for neurology and neurosurgery. Barrow is respected worldwide for its pioneering treatments, procedures and research into complex brain- and spinal cord-related diseases and conditions.

Sun Health Research Institute performs scientific research on aging and age-related diseases for the benefit of mankind and provides education on scientific issues that impact the local and world community. Scientists at Sun Health Research Institute have had a significant impact on how physicians diagnose and treat diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and arthritis.


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