Quick Facts
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Arizona's estimated population in 2016 was 6,835,518. (Arizona Office of Economic Opportunity)

According to data from the Arizona Office of Economic Opportunity, Arizona's population grew by 5.2 percent from 2012-2016, making it one of the fastest growing states in the nation.

The median age in Arizona is 36.8, according to the latest Census release, which is about one year less than the national average. (U.S. Census American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, 2011-2015)

Arizona's exports grew 19.7% over the last five years (2012-2016), which represents an increase of  $3.6 billion. (Global Trade Atlas, 2016)

Total employment in the state of Arizona in 2016 averaged 3.1 million. The largest sectors are trade, transportation and utilities, education & hospitality and professional & business services. (Bureau of Labor Statistics Economy at a Glance, 2017)

The average wage paid in Arizona for 2016 was $46,290. (Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Employment Statistics)


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