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Governor Jan Brewer Announces Vigorous Policy Agenda

Four-year focus on Cornerstones of Reform


PHOENIX, AZ (January 18, 2011)  Governor Jan Brewer today released her comprehensive policy agenda with an emphasis on Economic Competiveness, Education, State Government and Renewed Federalism. Arizona will, again, be a magnet for business relocation, formation and growth; capital formation and investment; employment and personal income growth; and prosperity for all Arizona businesses and citizens.


“During the next four years, Arizona will reclaim its historic position as a national leader in job growth and economic vibrancy, propelled by the Four Cornerstones of Reform,” said Governor Brewer. “The Arizona Commerce Authority will carry to the nation and to the world a vital message: Come toArizona - We Are Open for Business.”  


The regulatory moratorium that was implemented since Governor Brewer’s first days in office will continue until circumstances dictate a change in policy. Looking forward, Governor Brewer feels the State must continue to streamline and expedite the regulatory process.


In the coming month, Governor Brewer will be asking legislative leadership to convene a special session for the purpose of enacting an economic competitiveness package which should consist of three parts: a new Arizona Commerce Authority, job-based tax incentives, and tax reforms.


Economic Competitiveness 

The new Arizona Commerce Authority will be exclusively focused on business attraction, retention and expansion in Arizona’s strongest economic sectors. As part of the reinvention, the Office of Energy, (currently part of the Department of Commerce) should become an independent agency within the Governor’s Office, to allow for a focus on statewide energy policy, including the need for more nuclear and renewable power. Governor Brewer is also calling for tax incentives to reward businesses that have successfully grown their Arizona workforce, as well as phased-in tax reforms to promote Arizona job creation.



Employers need a skilled workforce, and employees want a good school system for their children. Achieving a strong economy for Arizona’s second century requires that Arizona act now to strengthen its education system. Therefore, Governor Brewer is moving ahead with a robust education reform plan, which includes planning and development, data system replacement, enhancing the role of parents in their child’s education and higher education reform. Further details of Governor Brewer’s education reform plan will be announced forthwith.


State Government 

To consistently rank among America’s top economic-growth states, Arizona needs a modern State Government. Creating such a government requires a series of reforms in budgeting, programs and operations, such as state budget reforms and state personnel reforms.


Renewed Federalism 

The United States has a federal government, not a national government. For the next four years, Arizona will continue to pursue a policy of “Renewed Federalism” that protects the State and its citizens against an over-reaching federal government. Never during nearly 100 years of statehood has federal interference in Arizona’s affairs been more blatant than in this past year. Governor Brewer asks that the federal government secure the international border; overturn the 2010 health care regulations and its unconstitutional mandates on states, employers and citizens; and free local jurisdictions from unnecessary federal oversight of local elections.


With the four essential reforms, Governor Brewer envisions Arizona will be a leader among the states pursuing shared principles of a limited public sector, regulatory restraint, and a vibrant private sector. Arizona will, once again, be an irresistible magnet for business relocation, business formation and growth, capital formation and investment, employment and personal income growth, and prosperity for all Arizona businesses and citizens.


Media Contact

Nicole McTheny, Arizona Commerce Authority, (602) 845-1231, [email protected]


About the Arizona Commerce Authority

The Arizona Commerce Authority (ACA) is the state’s leading economic development organization with a streamlined mission to grow and strengthen Arizona’s economy. The ACA uses a three-pronged approach to advance the overall economy: attract, expand, create – attract out-of-state companies to establish operations in Arizona; work with existing companies to expand their business in Arizona and beyond; and help entrepreneurs create new Arizona businesses in targeted industries. For more information, please visit and follow the ACA on Twitter at @azcommerce.