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Netherlands/Luxembourg-based STEALTH Software Announces It Has Selected Arizona for its U.S. Headquarters


PHOENIX, AZ (February 19, 2013)  Netherlands and Luxembourg-based STEALTH Software, together with Governor Jan Brewer and the Arizona Commerce Authority, announced today it has selected Arizona as the site of its U.S. headquarters. STEALTH Software is a Dutch/Luxembourg software development company that provides a software-based solution that allows organizations to securely manage the explosive growth of data.


“Arizona is thrilled to welcome innovative companies such as STEALTH Software,” said Governor Jan Brewer. “STEALTH Software’s decision to select Arizona for its U.S. headquarters reinforces our state’s ability to compete – and to win – in the global marketplace.”


STEALTH Software offers a software-based solution to assist commercial and government organizations in addressing growing data requirements in a secure and cost-effective manner. The amount of data generated is anticipated to grow nine-fold every five years; 80-percent is so-called “unstructured data.” Protecting and leveraging this valuable information is critical across all industries.


“Our potential for growth is greatest in the U.S. market where we are closest to our main customers,” said Gerard Warrens, CEO, STEALTH Software. “Our Arizona presence will serve as the country’s center of our information technology excellence.”


STEALTH Software’s U.S. headquarters location represents a $2 million capital investment and the creation of 200 high-wage jobs.  The company selected Arizona over competitive states such as California, New York and Texas, citing Arizona’s favorable business environment and rich, highly skilled and affordable talent pool.


“STEALTH Software’s innovative solutions truly represent the future of technology, strengthening our state’s critical industries such as healthcare, finance and aerospace & defense, attracting like-minded, cutting-edge companies, and creating quality jobs,” said Sandra Watson, President and CEO, Arizona Commerce Authority. “We’re thrilled STEALTH Software has selected Arizona as its U.S. headquarters, and the Arizona Commerce Authority looks forward to building on this incredible partnership to ensure its long-term success.”


STEALTH Software also produces an enhancement solution to Sharepoint, Microsoft’s top-selling global collaboration software program. SharePoint is expected to grow from 270 million users to more than 780 million by 2016. Software license revenue from Sharepoint to Microsoft is estimated to be $2 billion in 2102, with services and consultancy revenue derived by the partner sector expected to reach $ 18 billion in the same year.


Media Contact

Nicole McTheny, Arizona Commerce Authority, (602) 8451-1231, [email protected]


About STEALTH Software

Founded in 2010, STEALTH Software is a privately held company headquartered in Luxembourg (Product Development headquarter) and the Netherlands (Commercial headquarter). Stealth Software develops software that seamlessly and securely connects applications to any type of data storage platform, both on premise as well as in the cloud. Customers derive value by using Stealth Software to help them scale and secure their information. Stealth Software provides IP Protection and Compliance, Business Continuity and Backup at the application layer using a single software solution. There is no further need for additional middle layers or hardware in the customers’ infrastructures. Companies are using Stealth Software in combination with collaboration platforms such as SharePoint to reduce time to market and time to revenue and ensure that they are compliant with national and international regulations.


About the Arizona Commerce Authority

The Arizona Commerce Authority (ACA) is the state’s leading economic development organization with a streamlined mission to grow and strengthen Arizona’s economy. The ACA uses a three-pronged approach to advance the overall economy: attract, expand, create – attract out-of-state companies to establish operations in Arizona; work with existing companies to expand their business in Arizona and beyond; and help entrepreneurs create new Arizona businesses in targeted industries. For more information, please visit and follow the ACA on Twitter at @azcommerce.