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Innovation Arizona to Bring Together State’s Innovation Ecosystem, Investors for First-Ever Statewide Summit

June 11 event to support entrepreneurial growth, strengthen state’s startups


PHOENIX, AZ (June 6, 2013) — The MIT Enterprise Forum Phoenix and the Arizona Commerce Authority (ACA) announced today the launch of Innovation Arizona, a first-ever summit committed to strengthening Arizona’s entrepreneurial ecosystem. The summit will take place June 11 from 3-8pm at Tempe Center for the Arts.


Innovation Arizona will attract innovators and entrepreneurs of all stages, connecting them with resources, service providers, growth-support groups, business executives, investors, incubators and more.


“MIT Enterprise Forum Phoenix is thrilled to collaborate with Arizona Commerce Authority in creating a unique event that brings startups, innovators and entrepreneurs face-to-face with those that are providing resources to grow Arizona’s economy,” said Jamie Glass, Program Chair and Board Member MIT Enterprise Forum Phoenix.


“Arizona is rich with incredible talent – innovative entrepreneurs in all stages of business success and product development,” said Sandra Watson, President and CEO, Arizona Commerce Authority. “These brilliant minds represent the technological advancements of the future, and supporting their growth is critical to our state’s long-term vitality.”


The program will include presentations from well-established CEOs, including Rick Smith of TASER International, as well as breakout entrepreneur education sessions on subjects such as crowfunding, protecting intellectual property, driving revenue, and more.  See full schedule here.


“Like many homegrown Arizona businesses, TASER International continues to thrive because of our innovative spirit and our dedication to research and development,” Smith said. “It’s how we became the leader in our industry, and how we continue to protect life all over the world.”


Sponsors for this inaugural event include the Phoenix Business Journal, Hool Law, Tallwave, ATIF, Neubloc, CliftonLarsonAllen, Osborn Maledon, Greater Phoenix Leadership, Silicon Valley Bank and APS.


“We are excited to back the inaugural Innovation Arizona Summit which supports our vibrant and growing entrepreneur community,” said Donna Kent, SVP, Venture Development, Tallwave.


Registration is $25, each entrepreneur breakout session is $20. Click here to register for Innovation Arizona


Media Contact

Nicole McTheny, Arizona Commerce Authority, (602) 845-1231, [email protected]


About MIT Enterprise Forum Phoenix

MIT Enterprise Forum Phoenix (MITEFPHX) is the Arizona chapter of the global, not-for-profit MIT Enterprise Forum. For more than thirty years, The MIT Enterprise Forum has been a platform for entrepreneurial networking, inspiration and education. We are a community of volunteers sharing resources, knowledge and a passion for entrepreneurship. Our goal is to build a community, connect technology entrepreneurs with capital, other resources, talent, industry experts and advisors. We want to make the commercialization of technology faster and easier.  MITEFPHX brings together local, national and even global leaders and entrepreneurs from real companies discussing real issues, providing everyone a front row seat to behind-the-scenes


About the Arizona Commerce Authority

The Arizona Commerce Authority (ACA) is the state’s leading economic development organization with a streamlined mission to grow and strengthen Arizona’s economy. The ACA uses a three-pronged approach to advance the overall economy: attract, expand, create – attract out-of-state companies to establish operations in Arizona; work with existing companies to expand their business in Arizona and beyond; and help entrepreneurs create new Arizona businesses in targeted industries. For more information, please visit and follow the ACA on Twitter at @azcommerce.