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How The Small Business Boot Camp Bolsters Arizona’s Small Business Community

Over 17,400 entrepreneurs statewide have attended the Small Business Boot Camp since 2020


PHOENIX, AZ (April 29, 2024) – The Arizona Commerce Authority (ACA) celebrated the fourth anniversary of the Small Business Boot Camp, an award-winning program that connects entrepreneurs and small business leaders with local experts who provide support, guidance and resources through free weekly, educational webinars.

Launched on April 27, 2020 as a planned six-week pandemic-related resource, the Small Business Boot Camp has become a sustaining resource for small businesses across Arizona.

Since 2020, the ACA and its partners have hosted 350 Small Business Boot Camp sessions that included presentations from over 235 experts. Over 17,400 entrepreneurs representing all 15 Arizona counties have participated. Since launching in 2020, the Small Business Boot Camp videos have garnered over 8,830 views.

“We’re excited to celebrate another successful year of the Small Business Boot Camp, one of many ACA programs to support entrepreneurs and small business owners statewide,” said Sandra Watson, President and CEO of the Arizona Commerce Authority. "Small businesses are foundational to Arizona’s economy; when Arizona small businesses succeed, Arizona’s economy succeeds. We are grateful to all of our partners and presenters for their continued support.”

Over the past four years, the Small Business Boot Camp has become a key resource for Arizona’s small business community. Each session is presented by leading companies, universities, community college programs, nonprofits, and small business owners who are experts in their fields.

The fourth anniversary of the Small Business Boot Camp coincides with National Small Business Week, which celebrates the contributions of entrepreneurs and small businesses nationwide.

The ACA prioritizes Arizona small business growth through its suite of programs including the Small Business Boot Camp and Small Business Academy, in addition to statewide resources including Arizona Business One Stop and the Arizona Small Business Development Center Network.

The ACA also oversees the Arizona SSBCI (State Small Business Credit Initiative), a federal program administered by the Department of Treasury to strengthen state programs that support private financing for socially and economically disadvantaged businesses.


To view all previous Small Business Boot Camp sessions in the program’s Content Library, click HERE.


Media Contact
Alyssa Tufts, Arizona Commerce Authority, [email protected]

About the Arizona Commerce Authority
The Arizona Commerce Authority (ACA) is the state's leading economic development organization with a streamlined mission to grow and strengthen Arizona's economy. The ACA uses a three-pronged approach to advance the overall economy: attract, expand, create - attract out-of-state companies to establish operations in Arizona; work with existing companies to expand their business in Arizona and beyond; and help entrepreneurs create new Arizona businesses in targeted industries. For more information, visit and follow the ACA on Twitter @azcommerce.