
New Business Opportunities for Arizona ManufacturersArizona MEP Supplier Scouting

The NIST Manufacturing Extension Partnership is implementing a national effort to strengthen U.S. companies by providing opportunities for U.S. manufacturers to connect with each other to form new supply relationships. The program is called Supplier Scouting and helps manufacturers with supply needs to connect with U.S. based suppliers.


Arizona MEP is leading this program in Arizona and will provide participating Arizona manufacturers with a curated list of new business opportunities from U.S. companies. New opportunities are initiated through the Supplier Scouting program and are sent via email no more than once per week. Manufacturers that see opportunities of interest may contact their Arizona MEP Advisor or email [email protected]. An Arizona MEP expert will fill out the NIST/MEP Supplier Scouting Submission form, which will be forwarded to the requesting company for consideration.


Arizona MEP - Supplier Scouting Form

Please complete the form below to be added to the Supplier Scouting email list.

This program is optimized only for manufacturers.

Contact Info