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SBIR Connections: Plugging into the Doe’s SBIR Program Webinar

SBIR Connections: Plugging into the Doe’s SBIR Program Webinar

The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) are U.S. Government programs intend to help certain small businesses conduct research and development. The SBIR and STTR programs Office collaborates with 13 program offices throughout the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to identify specific research topics selected for the SBIR and STTR program.


The DOE offers more than sixty technical topics and 250 subtopics, spanning research areas that support the DOE mission in Energy Production, Energy Use, Fundamental Energy Sciences, Environmental Management, and Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation.


In partnership with the Arizona Technology Council, this workshop will teach you the basics of DOE's SBIR program, eligibility requirements, currently funded research topics, how to apply, and additional program opportunities the DOE offers small businesses beyond SBIR.

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