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Restaurant Relief Webinar: Increase Profits by Leveraging Temporary Expansion of Premises for Outdoor Dining


Restaurant Relief Webinar: Increase Profits by Leveraging Temporary Expansion of Premises for Outdoor Dining
During this restaurant relief session, a diverse group of industry experts and city officials will discuss how to temporarily expand your premises to provide outdoor seating for food and alcohol consumption. Speakers from the Arizona Restaurant Association, the League of Arizona Cities and Towns, the City of Mesa and Maricopa County will outline what licensing and permits are required, how to obtain them and what state resources are available to expedite its availability. Webinar attendees will hear about successful implementations and how to leverage those learning for establishments that do and do not have existing outdoor seating. This session is also beneficial to city officials as the experts discuss how restaurants can remain in compliance with local COVID-19 regulations while safely serving returning customers. Please note an executive Order 2020-60 was signed since this webinar took place, making the information provided during this session outdated. We encourage you to refer to the latest Executive Order for the most up-to-date information: