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Contractor's License

Construction/construction-related activity may require a contractor’s license from the Arizona Registrar of Contractors. Generally, a contractor's license is required for any work totaling $1,000 or more for labor and material or if a building permit is required. A person who is exempt from holding an Arizona Registrar of Contractors' (ROC) license must include the words "not a licensed contractor" in any form of advertisement.

Arizona Registrar of Contractor
1700 W. Washington Street, Suite 105, Phoenix, AZ 85007
602.542.1525 or toll free within Arizona 877.692.9762


Additional Information:
Arizona Registrar of Contractor, License Classifications, General Licensing Requirements: What is the Handyman Exemption? Must all contractors be licensed?


Transaction Privilege (Sales) Tax/Licensing

Generally, a handyman who is not required to be licensed by the Arizona Registrar of Contractors is not required to have a transaction privilege (sales) tax license from the Arizona Department of Revenue.  A handyman is required to pay state and local taxes on all materials purchased for a project at point of purchase. (24)

Contact: Arizona Department of Revenue: Contracting Guidelines, 602.255.3381