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Registering a Trade/DBA (Doing Business As) Name

Registering a Trade/DBA (Doing Business As) Name

The registration of a trade name (sometimes referred to as a “business name,” “fictitious name” or a “DBA” short for "Doing Business As") is not legally required in Arizona but is a recommended business practice.

Note: If you are filing as a corporation or LLC with the Arizona Corporation Commission, it is not necessary to register your corporate name as a trade name with the Arizona Secretary of State’s office as names are cross-referenced with the Corporation Commission. (24)

Arizona Secretary of State, Business Services Division
Mailing Address: Trade Name/Trademark, 1700 W. Washington Street, 7th Floor, Phoenix, AZ 85007-2808
In-Person Filing:
State Capitol Executive Tower, 1700 W. Washington Street, Suite 220, Phoenix, AZ 85007
Arizona State Complex Building, 400 W. Congress, First Floor, Suite 141, Tucson, AZ 85701
Phoenix 602.542.6187 or Tucson 520.628.6583 or Arizona toll free 800.458.5842

Additional Information:

See also: Researching Business Name Availability

A certificate of fictitious name, primarily for “Doing Business As (DBA),” can be filed with the county recorder’s office.